@coachpoconnor You're on right track with Coincident Statement and future Frankenstein. I use Statement MkII and custom built 300B monoblocks or Coincident 845SET with the Klipschorns. All are wonderful match for horns, different flavors with amps, but both great. When you get the Frankensteins be sure to use top line power tubes, as for Statement I've found Linlai Elite solid plate best, followed by Psvane WE, then Linlai Elite mesh plate, any of the cheaper variety will sound bleached in comparison.
How much of High End Audio is Horn Speakers?
An audio friend of mine had been discussing my future speaker purchase. We discussed, Harbeth, Devore, Spendor, Audio Note and other more traditional speaker brands. A week or two later he called an asked me what speakers I had purchased. When I told him Klipsch, there was a little silence on the other end of the line. Our call probably ended a little sooner then usual. I could tell he was disappointed in my purchase. Is it the Klipsch name that illicits this type of response or is it Horn speakers in general? After thinking about some of the other Audiophiles in town, a good deal of them are on the low power high efficiency speaker route and more than a few I know are using Horns. Does anyone know how the high end market share is divided? Is there a stigma associated with certain lower cost Horn speakers? Or is this just Klipsch? I now own a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls and am enjoying the journey associated with tweaking the sound to my taste. Is there an unwritten rule that friends don’t let friends buy Klipsch?
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- 112 posts total
Congratulations on the Cornwalls. While your buddies are contemplating their next speaker you will still be enjoying yours I’ve had Forte IV since February and love them . They sound even better since upgrading my electronics They sound like live music, not many speakers in their respective price convey a “live” sound like they can .
@coachpoconnor Spectacular choice of electronics! Enjoy your toys...! |
- 112 posts total