pro-ject cd box rs2 vs jays audio cd2 mk3

I have been following a lot of posts here , but I have not read of any comparisons as of the 2 transports . I am on the fence about the 2 transports as it does not seem that there is to many choices in that price range. I can purchase both transports for about the same price . any body compare them yet or have any other thoughts . thanks

@erictal4075     I recently contacted the good folks at Jay's to tell them I would buy their transport in a heartbeat if they would convert over to the Stream Unlimited CD Pro 8. They responded that no such plans were in the making. Too bad😟

I would buy their transport in a heartbeat if they would convert over to the Stream Unlimited CD Pro 8. They responded that no such plans were in the making. Too bad😟

Agree! CD Pro 8 drive system puts CD playback in an entirely different performance tier. Other brands that also have moved to this Stream Unlimited drive system are more expensive (Gryphon, Acustic Arts Audio and Aqua Hifi) transports/CD players (And limited to their very top models).  Pro-Ject puts this latest technology within reach for many listeners.



I have found I like the sound of the spdif output vs AES with the same cable (audioquest diamond) on each into my DCS Rossini DAC.  I also spent some time comparing the Audio Envy digital spdif cable to the audioquest diamond and was hoping the cheap Audio Envy would be better but unfortunately the Audioquest is better sounding.  I have a 1m spdif diamond and 1.5 m AES diamond and to me the spdif sounds more relaxed and just a touch better than the AES cable.  


I also  use the Pro-ject SPDIF output to my DAC via a 1 meter RCA digital cable (High Fidelity CT!-1 Ultimate) and the sound is truly splendid. 


Funny that someone asked Jay's if they'd go with Streams Unlimited as I recently asked/recommended to Technics that they do a strictly CD top loader using the Streams Unlimited when inquiring as to when they were coming out with their new integrated.

Never heard back from them but I also told them they'd corner the audiophile market if they could come up with one for under the price of the Pro-Ject as they have the massive infrastructure in place to do so and can scale up production making it a win-win all around.

I hope someone took notice. 👍

All the best,