Fear and Loathing in the Audiophile community. Funny and real

This is part 3 of the series from ecoustics.

Found it interesting and resembled myself and many here in this forum.

Also have found it interesting in the cast of characters here that are just out to do hit jobs. They wait for people to post and they pounce, hijacking a post and taking down a rabbit hole.

Where I have done that I apologize.

You Can’t Prove Me Wrong, So I Am Right…



@henry53  & Spencer...+10 both

It has yet to occur to me how I can force anyone to read my posts.
Hard cold details have their upper limit in the pursuit of audiogasms.

It's ultimately a personal pursuit with ones' goals, intent, desires...

If heaven is in your mind, what do you want it to be?

@hilde45 ...well, occasionally....;)

....kinda the norm 'round here...*L*


'Bot Boo Boo?  Hydraulic Hick Ups?  Oil Oops?

...can't wait...🙄

I participate in Classical Music forums and occasionally the threads will veer into audiophilia .  There are a couple of posters that seem like reasonable, tolerant pepole while discussing music who then become raving lunatics if anyone challenges their opinion on gear

@asvjerry LOL. Yeah, you can search a user’s history to see if they do that mostly. Very revealing patterns can be found.

@hilde45 That's a very astute observation & practice. Between the post history and member system(or lack of system), there's plenty to inform "consider the source". 

In the end karma will run over dogma. Cheers,


*G*  I'm reminded of a bumper snicker from awhile back....

My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma

...there wasn't an attached apology, which I thought ought to be.....

"Mama didn't raise fools...Crazy people, perhaps...." ;)

I've no substantial opinion as to 'how' or 'why' you (or any other) strives for aural perfection, as we all have our 'ho' in what works for one.  That, and the means and the motivations towards that...

I'm just happy to spend some times in the company of. *S*

If anything amuses -or- astounds -or- seems askance -or- strikes the TILT response.....is the implied or 'real' stance of omnipotence of The Way to do so: all else be damned or distorted.  For that matter, flat fiat as to one or another being superior to all else...

Class A > D, SET vs. SS, vinyl over/under digital, simple > sublime...

Doesn't it all come down to what transports you to That Place & Space that moves to where one strives, if only for the while until it stops.
I haunt many forums...reading more than responding...like ones' dog, watching...

Felines' and K9s' learn a lot more about their masters in that fashion.

Most 'masters' here would puke on regarding the space and means I employ.
I'm fine with that....it's all a work in progress.... ;)

Happy Pre-New Year, guys....*S*