Where should the vocal image be?

1. On the same plane as the speakers.

2. About mid way between the listener and the speakers plane.

3. Right up to the listener.  



As a matter of fact, Reference 3a speakers need to fire directly into the room. Anything more than a minute amount of toe in ruins the tonal balance. And this is by design.


So even though soundstage depth may be enhanced by severe toe in, many other parameters may suffer. This is an individual listener and speaker preference.

Good observation and needs to be emphasized, much ’depends’ on the specific speaker in question and the room/speaker relationship. Generalizations aren’t applicable in this type of scenario. Case by case approach is the way to proceed. Good topic!



behind the speaker plane. :)


but this is extremely recording dependent.

Agreed 👍 When setting up my speakers, I always test their correct/best location based on the main singer being behind the speakers and/or ’into’ and ’within’ the soundstage.

But, as Eric stated, depends on the recording. Nora Jones recordings often frustrate me (as example), as her voice is typically too forward for my taste. 


But, as Eric stated, depends on the recording. 

i mentioned this in the beginning but i see Eric gets the credit

1) depends on the type and model of speakers

2) do not toe in certain speakers, especially Dali's

3) depends on the recordings, too many variables to even begin to discuss regarding this.

Credit on Audiogon really doesn't mean anything, people will still misspell your name even when it is right in front of them. 😂