Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good

It rarely happens to me, but in a pile of records I bought over the summer I

found one with no cover. Shocking Blue’s 2nd album. 'At Home' (I’m your Venus is on it).

Even most Beatles albums have at least one song I could pass on, but not this one. Horrible fidelity, scratched to hell, but damn...

So I’d love to hear of other records that you all could suggest.



There are lots and lots of them on an individual album basis, but only one group's entire catalogue fits this criteria (with a very minor exception).....Steely Dan. Exception is one song where Becker (RIP) sings on their last album. Dire Straits is close since they have a few albums that meet the criteria as does Pink Floyd, and the Beatles certainly have several (they are neck and neck with the Dan in terms of quantity of perfect albums, but have many bad songs).

Couple that haven't ben mentioned:

Pretenders "Learning to Crawl"

Carol King "Tapestry"

Van Morrison "Poetic Champions Compose"

Tom Waits "Closing Time"


OMG, how could I forget this one. And a double album at that. Saw his goodbye tour in 2019, played the whole album and EVERY song was a awesome.

Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Post removed 

Some have been mentioned:

The Cars debut album "The Cars"

Marvin Gaye "What's Goin' On"

Mister Mister "Welcome To The Real World"

Foreigner's debut album "Foreigner"

 Steely Dan "Aja" (Saw them do this in concert a few years back)

Eagles "Hotel California"

I have other Ambient and EDM albums that I enjoy, but probably too obscure for this forum.