Townshend Pods - How many do I actually need per component for max effectiveness?



Experiences from actual users would be greatly appreciated. I have a phono preamp (28lbs), amp (100lbs), linestage (20lbs), and potentially a DAC (6 lbs) that I am looking to get pods for. 


Should I get 4 per component or would 3, or even 2 work just as well/better? If anyone can share their experiences with the pods and experimenting with the number they used and what it did to the sound, I’d be thankful.



Well, they sell the pods in boxes of 4, so that is the quantity I use.

And, if you require more weight, why not add it to the top of the component.

HRS makes plates to dampen chassis/cabinets. So, I don't see why you couldn't put a barbell weight instead.


Actually Townshend recommends 4 per component. I asked the same question. With the spring system better balance is achieved with four especially with components where the weight isn’t distributed evenly.  They do have a twist adjustment for getting them level.

@goose, did you buy any pods? If so, did it impact your sound for the better/worse or undetermined?


@gdnrbob, adding more weight on top makes sense if the springs don’t move quite enough, thanks for that. What’s your experience with the pods been like?


@tuberist, good advice, I am waiting to hear back as I contacted them earlier today. I’m not expecting to hear anything until sometime next week.


I’m in info gathering mode right now so feedback is appreciated.