integrated amp on a budget

Hey, could you suggest SS integrated amp on a budget? 2500€ max (about 2800$).

I've upgraded my speakers to Klipsch Heresy IV. Have also leftover from previous setup 2 small Wharfendale subwoofers SPC8 (depends of situation might get rid of them). Listening mainly to rock and all kind of metal (think from Led Zeppelin to Cannibal Corpse). 

Room size varies, as I'm moving at next year again. As input I use PC, so DAC. No need for phono. Streaming may be, but is not essential. May be used. Remote would be nice, but again not important..

I'd proabably go for simplest and most minimalist setup. Would have bougth Schiit Ragnarok 2 all included (with dac and phono), but they have been out of stock for a few months in Europe (probably world wide chip crisis).

Also, as in Europe, I've no clue for a good site for used amps. Can't order from US or UK, also US based companies are probably 150% in EU (and very likely vice versa).

Can't think of anything else right now, thanks in advance.


An option I think may be better than most anything is a Lyngdorf integrated with Room Correction. With that kind of music when things get fast and hectic it brings the everything in to such better focus. Bass will be sooo much tighter and slamming. IME the Lyngdorf does not work very well with low efficiency speakers but with those Klipsch it would be amazing. 

A Lyngdorf 2170 made a pair of vintage Cerwin Vega DX9s sound like a high end speaker and I’m not exaggerating. Crazy good. 

if you are against room correction I would personally be looking at a tube integrated. 

Yes on musical fidelity!       Best integrateds mentioned here!   Take your pick, they are all incredible!

I think alot of the amps mentioned would serve you well with some sounding smoother, some sounding grittier, some extenuating some frequencies over others.

That said, I use Focal speakers which have a 90 dB or better in room response. Hegel and Focal seem to go very well together. But I have hooked up a Keces E40 integrated amp (34watts@8 ohms/ 61 watts@ 4 ohms) and at the volumes I listen to I find it extremely satisfying at the volumes I listen at. It’s sound quality is very much like my hegel and new, last I checked costs $630 delivered. The Hegel weighs 42#...the Keces E40 weighs about 10#. The Keces E40 is stated to be capable of up to 15 amps per channel for bursts should the speaker require it. My Hegel is probably about 35 amps/channel. But the little Keces does it for me.

Keces also makes a 100 watt power amp that rates very highly but costs much more. One of these days I’ll list the Hegel. Overkill for my "large" bookshelf speakers. Good luck in your search.