Sound carpet


Recently my wife replaced my beloved shag carpet in the living room with a thin one and sound became cold and noisy. When I return the old one sound is warm and quiet again.
Any solution you know of ? Any product exists that can be put under the carpet that is not too thick for She Who Must Be Obeyed to complain about ?


I use Oriental heavy wool rugs… they are extremely dense and therefore absorbent… beautiful, and relatively thin. Shop with your wife. You can see some of mine in photos of my systems. 

I've used wool in the past effectively, but enjoy my crazy sheepskin rug now. Also pics on my system page. Cheers,


Divorce can be a dual edged sword. While you may be able to put anything in any room you may not be able to afford anything… or a room.

She Who Must Be Obeyed above will let OP keep the gear but may take the room!