Today's Transport War: Significant Differences?

I have been reading much these days about computer/hard-drive based transports as being a whole order of magnitude superior to traditional CD transports. In my reading, the camp who believes hard-drive based transports can render major improvements has been most notably represented by Empirical Audio. The camp which suggests that traditional CD transport techonology (or atleast the best of its sort--VRDS-NEO) is still superior has been most notably represented by APL Hi-Fi.

Each of the camps mentioned above are genuine experts who have probably forgotten more about digital than many of us will ever understand. But my reading of each of their websites and comments they have made on various discussion threads (Audiogon, Audio Circle, and their own websites) suggests that they GENUINELY disagree about whether hard-drive based transportation of a digital signal really represents a categorical improvement in digital transport technology. And I am certain others on this site know a lot about this too.

I am NOT trying to set up a forum for a negative argument or an artificial either/or poll here. I want to understand the significant differences in the positions and better understand some of the technical reasons why there is such a significant difference of opinion on this. I am sincerely wondering what the crux of this difference is...the heart of the matter if you will.

I know experts in many fields and disciplines disagree with one another, and, I am not looking for resolution (well not philosophical resolution anyway) of these issues. I just want to better understand the arguments of whether hard-drive based digital transportation is a significant technical improvement over traditional CD transportation.

My reading of the POV of both Empirical and APL is that their preferences are independent of price, or nearly so. Empirical believe that hard-disk systems give us an opportunity to achieve better sound (by reducing jitter to practically nothing) than we can ever get from a transport spinning a disk. APL are vague on the specifics but seem to feel that the "environment" of a computer is far too polluting to yield seriously good sound. Steve says there's only jitter, nothing else to be concerned with. Alex had not yet weighed in on that. I respect and admire them both and hope I have not misstated their positions. Great stuff!
Steve Nugent of Empirical also says the best to be had is I2S. The Northstar transport with its' I2S output tweaked into a DAC with I2S input is the way to go, according to Steve. He says I2S properly implemented is "magic".
I've yet to see either camp come up with any meaningful data that would justify my $'s (i.e., if you can't measure it on the back side of a d/a converter then I doubt if you can hear it). Something I think audiophiles overlook is that digital data transmission is very forgiving by nature, as long as the bits get there at about the right time and at about the right magnitude, well designed equipment on the recieving end can reconstruct and reclock the 1's and 0's. You could watch a satelite hdtv and note the crystal clarity from the much higher speed digital data transfered back and forth through the atmosphere, and then decide if you want to worry about the bits from your transport crawling slowly to your dac across a couple feet of cable.
Jeff, in theory you're correct, but in practise I believe you're wrong, and the principal reason is due to the poor design of the whole transport - interface - DAC setup.

I agree with you that the 1s and 0s get to the DAC with no problem, but the issue is the DAC clock.

For high quality audio the DAC master clock should have very low jitter. Unfortunately the traditional method, where the CD transport has the master clock, and then the DAC has to try to reassemble the clock from an SPDIF or AES EBU data stream is a very poor scheme, and is entirely responsible for the fiasco of multi kilobuck transports and digital cables.

If DAC had been designed with low jitter master clocks, and the transport was slaved to the DAC I think we could have been using $20 CD rom drives, and ZIP cord digital cables right from the start. Many companies have implemented proprietary mathods to allow their transports to be slaved to their DACs, but it has never really caught on.

It would appear to me that Dan Lavry's approach of using a RAM buffer and a low jitter oscillator in the DAC is the best engineering approach to solve the bad situation. With enough RAM it wouldn't matter whether data were to come in from a PC (via USB, or ethernet) or from a transport (via toslink, SPDIF, or AES EBU).

I've never heard his DACs, they also may be compromised in the implementation, I don't know, but I've found the whitepapers on his website extremely informative.

There are several papers about 1/3 way down this weblink.
I'll be trying the North Star 12S interface shortly. I have had the transport for a while, and now just bought the DAC. It will be interesting to see how it compares with my existing set-up.