
I’m thinking about giving a full tube setup a go and Primaluna in particular.  Looking to hear people’s experiences with Primaluna in general. My main draw to them outside of tubes is there auto bias and protective features.  Wondering if people generally replace a single bad tube or if people are replacing all tubes of that type when there’s a failure.  Also would be interested if there were any other companies with at least a similar protective feature. The auto bias sounds great but the protective features are a bigger deal to me.  


I have been a devotee of tube amplification for many decades. I have owned the prima Luna Dialogue Integrated for three years and it is the easiest to use and nicest sounding to my ears. I highly recommend this brand. You can spend a lot more money for probably not a big sonic improvement.

VAC has autobias, the IQ system, in their newer models and protective warning leds. If the led turns green that tube is getting weak, if it turns red, the tube is drawing excessive current and the IQ system shuts down the main power supply in a fraction of a second (from the manual) so that you can replace the bad tube before it does any damage.

I don’t know which autobiasing and tube protection system works better, nor do I know which brand sounds better.

I bought a Primaluna integrated ten or more years ago for my office system. I have been very happy with it. Detailed and pretty natural sounding (I never bothered fiddling with tube upgrades, I am sure this could make it substantially better). I lent it to a friend of mine who is just starting out and it has allowed his system to get to a level where he could start hearing it’s potential.


Always replace matched pairs or quads or whatever the tube config is. Typically big power tubes last less long than small tubes… so it is ok to just replace those if one develops a funny noise or fails. For my main system I keep around a backup set of tubes, but I listen for three hours a day. For my other systems I don’t. I’s only a couple days or a week to get replacements.

Thumbs up for PrimaLuna.

Auto-bias and protective features are mostly there for marketing. More and more people are coming around to the superiority of tubes. But tubes carry the stigma of unreliability, even though as you can see from the comments here they can be just as reliable as anything else.

To put the protective circuit thing in perspective, tubes have been used for more than a hundred years. They may be new to new customers, but believe me they are not new to tube amp designers. They have like a hundred years experience designing amps to survive blown tubes. Protective circuitry in other words does not have to be anything added. It is just plain good design. Which is why I say for them to draw attention to this is pure marketing.

Auto-bias, same thing. I’ve had amps that had this and amps that didn’t. The amps that had manual bias I have stayed on top of- except for when I didn’t. Times I wanted things to sound really good spend extra time getting bias absolutely perfect. Cannot honestly say I ever heard any difference due to bias, not even the one time I found it had drifted way off. More marketing.

Tubes on the other hand, yes there are differences and yes they wear out and yes it is best to replace the full set. Although again, not that I have noticed any problems. From the beginning when a set was replaced I would keep the old ones around as spares. You definitely want to do this. So when a tube goes bad oh well pop in a spare.

Tubes can go bad in anywhere from an hour to a decade. There are basically two ways they go, the supernova and the slow fade. The supernova is really cool if you see it, blue light storm in a bottle, red hot melting, makes you understand why tube sockets are ceramic. The slow fade they get softer and mellower very very slow and so gradual so it can be hard even to notice. Until you pop in a fresh set and, wow!

Haven’t heard PL, but I do a ton of research before deciding and my short list is Decware, Raven, Audio Hungary, and PL, in pretty much that order. Although honestly you cannot go wrong with any of these. Someone mentioned the Kevin Deal breakdown video. I say breakdown because the man is clearly having one. Courtesy, Raven Audio. Sad. So sad. But he did get one thing right, they all sound good. It is kind of like turntables. Another one where it is almost impossible to go wrong. I’m real happy with my Blackhawk, and have my name on the list for a Decware ZMA. But I’m sure you’ll be fine with PL.

Just go Rogue and you will realize the promise of true high end sound value from a US company. No BS. Or go straight for Audio Research if budget allows. VAC is also cream of the crop it seems but won’t come cheap. Oh and do not forget good old Atmasphere. Or Conrad Johnson.  The video did  increase my appreciation for Prima Luna  

The thing I see that does in most tube amps regardless of build quality with users is mismatching with other gear especially between amp and speakers and amp and preamp. If you get either matching wrong your results will be limited. Run the other way whenever someone tells you otherwise.

Otherwise I pretty much view tube amps like flavors of ice cream . The sound can come in all flavors and for a range of cost. Personal preferences will decide who likes what .

Reliability and customer support always matter as well and probably are more important things to consider than which specific “good sound” to choose. I agree it’s hard to find a bad sounding tube amp after all. Cheap or poorly made….for sure. Plenty of those. Cost alone is not the determining factor of course.

But if you want true good sound, performance comes first. Lots of details that go into that. When in doubt, stick with the well known products and vendors that have a long and wide reputation, not just a particular cult following on the internet.