Do you use a preamp in your HT system to improve sound?

what preamp do u use in your ht system and is it helping ht SQ?

I like idea of enhancing ht sound with a preamp.  Even the hi end processors are limited in their SQ.

i use a low end tube preamp and like its influence on hq sound.  I am considering an upgraded preamp.




Not anymore. I got rid of my HT system and listen to everything in stereo now. Much more clarity.

Big greg

thx, but point here is to assess how preamps impact HT sound when preamp circuits are engaged when fed by processor preouts, and many do this.

To be honest I was having a hard time deciphering what your point was exactly. I'm still not sure. Maybe I need more caffeine.

Even the hi end processors are limited in their SQ.

i use a low end tube preamp and like its influence on hq sound. 

Yes, they are limited in their SQ. So limited even a low end tube preamp is an improvement.

What I been saying for years. A cheap stereo anything is an improvement on even the most high end multi-channel processor. The obvious solution to improved HT sound: ditch the multi-channel processor.

Simple. Logical. Affordable- and actually works.

The preamp (C8) in my HT system doesn’t effect the HT sound at all. I have a new McIntosh mx100 processor. The processor only offer balanced in/outs everything is super clean and natural. I think matching manufacturers helps too.