Sound carpet


Recently my wife replaced my beloved shag carpet in the living room with a thin one and sound became cold and noisy. When I return the old one sound is warm and quiet again.
Any solution you know of ? Any product exists that can be put under the carpet that is not too thick for She Who Must Be Obeyed to complain about ?


Early on my significant other and I got on the right foot… the home theater was her’s and the audio system was mine. I would buy her a new, really nice surround processor, or state of the art DVD player before I would buy something for my system. She could hardly complain about me upgrading my system after I upgraded hers. You just need to think like a female… not one of us stupid inept males.


Thin carpet vs thick carpet.

The Captain in me thinks two nights in a row of carpet burns...boom, soft thick carpet is in your horizon.


I got to keep my old dense shag carpet. I put it on when I listen to music. I grew a pair :-)