Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation.

I have to say the timing of the folks over at eacoustics in impeccable.

So Kevin Deal at Upscale release his Video on Raven Audio giving us something to chew on in this forum and W. Jennings gives us this.




What you or I or anyone might find offensive has nothing to do with what others do. How about we all just treat each other civilly? That’s part of being "civilized" as opposed to the alternative.





  1. relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters.

    "civil aviation"


    secular · nonreligious · lay · laic · laical · nonmilitary · civilian

  2. courteous and polite.

    "we tried to be civil to him"


    polite · courteous · well mannered · well bred · gentlemanly ·


Political correctness and civil behavior towards others are two different things.  Hopefully people do not use political correctness as an excuse to not be civil.

Chi-fi is used as a derogatory term and should not be part of civil discourse. It is insulting to anyone of Chinese heritage, which includes mostly good and many very talented people. It’s that simple. Do not use this word unless that is your intent.

Couldn't agree more. Never heard anyone use the term French-Fi, Pol-Fi, Ger-Fi, Ital-Fi, etc. Just because it's considered common usage in some circles doesn't make it acceptable.

All the best,

@nonoise  You are the last person on this forum that should even begin to talk about civil discourse. The worst offender, and the most caustic to enforce "Political Correctness". I needed that laugh, thank you 😁

"Chi-Fi is CHINESE HI-FI, Hi-Fi made in CHINA. nothing more, nothing less."


"Chi-Fi is CHINESE HI-FI, Hi-Fi made in CHINA. nothing more, nothing less."

Consistent with my rant about signal theory on the previous page here, yes. Its a label.

A phrase (or word) describing a characteristic of something, which conveys some intrinsic and valuable information.

What else can it be? And it rhymes, and that’s pretty cool.