Sorry but if you read wiki Helmholtz resonators the basic fact are explained...
If you type imaging for example. scientific articles are there...
one of my main inspiration for example:
It is an optimization method with many resonators...You tune them one at a time...
You LEARN how to listen at the same time...
i design it , no one explain that to me...
but with just the basic elements i described anybody in a dedicated room can begin to LISTEN and have fun at NO COST...
Helmholtz is the creator of room acoustic but nobody ever said it this way why?
Because small room acoustic existed only for the few last decades ONLY with the consumers access to small audio system...
And why nobody ever dare to talk about H. method before me?
Because all consumers audio market conditioning is directed towards the GEAR engineering and not toward acoustic and psycho-acoustic method..
Most people think they listen music directly from the gear.... The room is passive object which dont exist and must not obstruct the sound coming from the speakers... But small room acoustic is not big Hall acoustic....
Small room acoustic is more of a contemporary phenomena, but even in ancientime some H. method were used before H created them in modern context...
Amphiteater acoustic exidted for millenia....13 feet square acoustic room control, or near these dimensions , is a few last decades old and was bown with the recent audiophiles consumers ...
It cost nothing but it take the time to learn how to hear and listen timbre and it take a dedicated room... It is not for most people....But if i did not speak about that who will?
Even acousticians debate the rignt way to accomodate a room like mine:
13 feet irregular square with 2 windows... 8 1/2 feet roof....
i take the bull by the head, i sit, listen and i have the fun of my life ...
It is described in my now abandoned thread journey : "miracles in audio... "