Do we really know what "Live" music sounds like?

Do we really know what music sounds like?

Pure, live, non-amplified, unadulterated music.

Musicians do but most layman do not.

Interesting read by Roger Skoff.




Live music sounds an almost infinite variety of ways. Even the same room will sound different based on the number and location of bodies and furniture, the temperature and humidity level, the instruments being played, and the way they are played by the musicians.  

Kind of a bogus question. My music is different than yours so you can’t say music is only un-amplified. My music is all amplified and I have spent decades playing music in different bands, so I know what certain instruments should sound like.

99% of the concerts I attend are outside and quite a few of them you can hear the guitar thru the fender amp, others you hear everything from the PA system.

You bring up mics/pa systems, how about the room/hall/arena you hear the music in? That makes a huge contribution to the sound. 
I would take a concert in a great amphitheater that is amplified instead of an orchestra concert in a concrete building that is not built for good audio


Spent my entire childhood singing in groups and choirs un-amplified music. A choir doesn’t require application if the signers are taught correctly. Attended a church that only allowed un-amplified music (no instruments - voices only) performed by all the parishioners. I also spent time learning to play the guitar and the piano. I had to listen to a brother learn how to play the bagpipes.

I have a pretty good understanding what live "un-amplified" music sounds like. It sounds very different from music that is transmitted through a speaker.

Am I the only one that the only thing that really stuck with me from the article was how the author thinks it’s OK to go into a music store and lie to the workers and waste their time trying to improve the sound of the author’s system?