There was an interesting article several years ago in HiFi+ about how a single poster could poison an audio product in the marketplace. It raised the spectre that a poster could be an anonymous shill for a competitor. I'm certainly not suggesting that is the case here, but it is a problem. (The converse is also true, like fake 'likes' on Facebook- pumped up 'raves' over a product that are contrived by a vendor as guerrilla marketing).
I say we cut the guy a break, he received some constructive suggestions here, and we see what happens.
I do think complaints about service, or poor quality, deserve to be aired and benefit others.
You have no idea how I feel about this comment! Very well said indeed. If the complaints are credible then they need to be voiced. I took my comments too far and a thread was closed. Yes I was the poison but justified to no end. The poster has a right to complain if he sees fit and it sounds like he is being ignored. I am very familiar with this.