Nobody know what live music sound SAVE with his own specific ears and history...
We were programmed to recognize human voices apparatus for million of years , sound coming from any direction...
No one is programmed in life to distinguish live music and playback music, it is an acquired skill and never exactly the same for everybody, SAVE for musicians practising the same instrument and exhanging impressions between them...
But even for them live music and playback music are different birds...
We can only compare the playing micro-structure of the tonal timbre of only one instrument at a times to improve our audio system.... Or use choral voices....
Pretending live instrument an recorded one sound the same make no sense...
A recorded instrument can sound natural for sure so much that even a musician can be surprized... But even a virtual 3D movie where we will be someday would not fool reality for an astute observer...
« "Reality" is God kingdom smell's in us »-Anonymus Smith