Looking for speaker wire (bi-wired) suggestions for two types of speakers

I have two types of speakers (both bi-wired) that I use in my audio systems that are used with a solid state amp and a tube preamp, listen to both vinyl and cd's and all types of music. Prices not to exceed $2,000.00 for an 8.0 ft. biwired pair.

One speaker pair are the Usher Mini-Diamond 2's circa 2017 

The other speaker pair are the Eminent Technology LFT-8b'S brand new


Have a look at Silversmith Audio.  Different type of cable and they sound good.  They have a unique take of the bi-wire as well.  Just one of many choices but well worth consideration.  

Acoustic Zen Double Barrel Shotgun is a great cable that does everything right and doesn’t put a foot wrong.  Best of luck.


many prefer either a double run, or single run with jumpers, not internal bi-wire...just need to try yourself...endless debate about that on dozens of identical threads...

Just my opinion but a single run of the next level cable often sounds better than two runs of lessor cable and both at similar cost.