AGD Audio Mk2 review


This is my review of my AGD Audion Mk2 monoblock power amps. These are Class D amps with Gallium Nitride power MOSFETs.

As those who follow me know, I am a Single Ended Triode tube amp guy since I like high efficiency single driver speakers. I've tried to like solid state power amps and have bought and tried the First Watt F2J and SIT-2 power amps but ultimately selling them as I find that they fall short of my 300B SET amps.

I first tried the AGD Audions when they came out in the Mk1 version. I was very happy. It had great dynamics, better bass extension, smooth, organic and natural sound comparable with my best 300B (and I use late 1930s to 1950s WE 300Bs). Finally I found a solid state amp that I can live with.

Then this year, the new KT88mk2 GanT Tube modules became available from AGD. These boosted the sampling frequency from 400khz to 800khz. Power remains the same at 170w/4ohm or 85w/8ohm. The improvement was quite a bit better in my system. Better separation and soundstage. More air and organic nature to the sound. So much so that these AGD Audions Mk2 are now the primary amps in my systems. I still play with my 300B amps but I  am spending more time with the Audions in my system.

Highly recommended and just wanted to share with others my excitement about these Class D GAN amps. No connection whatsoever with AGD other than a happy customer. They are, in my opinion, game changers.


Hi antigrunge2 and milpai,

Firstly, need to correct a Fi Audio 421a is by Don Gerber, who unfortunately passed, back in 2017. A true SET genius. Sorely missed.

Don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but another important point is that when I compare the AGD Audion 2 to my 300Bs, it's with the vintage WE300B early 1950's tube. I have in my possession, engraved base WE300B (late 1930-40), early 1950's, late 1950's and 1960's and a couple of 1970-80. Any WE300B that is after 1982 (i.e with a round getter) is not as good and don't have the WE "magic", IMHO.

The thing that impresses most about the Audions is in fact, their timbre and naturalness. It's very good. Put in this way, the mids/highs are better than 300B tubes like Sophia Electric Royal Princess, PS Vanne ACME, EML, Elrog and comparable to Takatsuki 300B (I have all these tubes) in my amps/system. It just loses out slightly on air, in the mids, compared to 1950's WE300B. Nothing can touch the vintage WE300B's in the mids for timbre, naturalness and presence. And that's the reason that I decided to post my review. It's that good. For me, it's a better way to use these Audion's than to go with typical 300B amps up to $10K (the Audions cost $7.5k/pair) And bear in mind that when you throw in good 300B tubes, vintage driver tubes, rectifiers etc, a 300B SET amp can add thousands more $$. Now, I'm not saying the Audions will beat all 300B but it is up there amongst the great ones. Just for the sake of comparison, what other 300B SET amps could be better... maybe the AudioNote Japan Kegons, Wavac EC300B are the ones that come to my mind.

Of course, IMHO and in my system and YMMV etc, etc.

Note that I'm comparing on my Rethm Saadhana V4 speakers, 100dB, 8ohm, Single driver speakers (albeit with integrated subwoofers). No harshness or graininess at all. I do use external Townshend Supertweeters on my Saadhanas, When I use the Audions, I turn the supertweeters off, because you don't need them. With the WE300B amps, a low setting (2 out of 7) on the supertweeters can add a little bit more air and extension at the very top end although sometimes I also turn them off. Depends on the music and my mood.

In summary, GaN Class D, as made by AGD, can compete very well with good 300B SET amps.

Hi ron1264,


What speakers do you use with your AGD Grand Vivace?

I'm also considering the AGD Andante Pre/DAC as a second simpler system

I think I will get to hear these AGD amps next weekend.  Looking forward to it. 



that is high praise, indeed! BTW we seem to have surprisingly similar systems philosophy: I have a Wavac EC300b (EAT or Takatsuki) drive Duevel Bella Luna point source omni-directional horns with Murata super tweeters. I haven‘t had access to vintage WE300bs. Any views on their newest incarnation?

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