Like i already said, Bernard Mandeville the master mind behind liberal capitalism, not Adam Smith who plagiarize it, is the redactor of the manual of mass control, which would make Machiavel a children... I read Machiavel also by the way... It is a children compared to Mandeville...
Now the bankers behind capital controls always DECIDED which will receive capitals and for what....It is not complotism doctrine but only a human fact about greed...
Is it not simple?
By the way Dr. Mabuse film precisely described the manipulation behind financial speculation and wars in the first thirty minutes...No Hollywood movie describe it better than he already did one century after it....
Basically most of the major wars since 1815 have been bankers wars, and yet...
Not a single movie has dared to depict them as such.
A war unplanned with no money never existed save in victimized country or people...
By the way between conditioned sleepwalking mass and their masters, there is no "controls" there is not much a "plot" but a SIMILAR make up of the mind by the endoctrinated mass and those who endoctrinated them..
The difference between Hitler, Stalin, Rockfeller, Pierpont-Morgan etc and any power man and the ordinary people, is that the Hitler, Stalin, Rockfeller, Pierpont-Morgan BELIEVE more in their ideology that even the people who are conditioned by them... The mindframe of Stalin is even Narrower that any communist leader under him and narrower than any russians, WHY ?
Because their narrow mind reflect their total focus on only ONE target : control...They concentrated focus of attention is the only reason of their power...
Then Stalin , Hitler or any powerful man are the FIRST VICTIM of their ideology...
There is much less of a complotism here in history than a complete closure of the mind and a narrowing of the attention...
Are Hitler, Stalin, Rockfeller, Pierpont-Morgan, or any other man of power reflect that they are only EVIL and mostly evil ?
Not at all, in many cases , they are sleepwalking more deeply in their sleep than even the mass of the people they indoctrinated in their beliefs about states, capitalism or any other ideology....
Murderers are evil for sure but i spoke here about the power perspective...