Beautiful listening rooms


Not sure I wouldn’t refer to those as really large speakers with rooms built around them to look good. But I guess if you can afford to buy them you can afford a huge room and renovation costs.


Aesthetically pleasing room & good sound is THE biggest challenge.

While I get having a "listening room", most just aren't guest friendly-something to have your non hi fi over friends over, for a sit in.  

Everyone's idea of a "good looking" room is different.  While not ideal, a windowless room and  sound treatment with audiophool gadgets is not my bag. Those one/two seat setups are especially disturbing.

A Home theater is completely different situation as far as windowless, sound reinforcement.

Get the best gear you can afford with speakers in the best location, minimal intrusive acoustic  treatment in a beautiful room is where it's at. 

Pour more drink/ingest more consumables  to get over audiophool deficit in your guest's glass to make it sound "better". 

Someone who can develop wall/ceiling sound damping/diffusion panels that are invisible and removeable would make a small fortune.