My room has been wired a number of different ways beginning with the normal outlet to outlet wiring and then being progressively upgraded to a dedicated 20A line, which was then upgraded to 4ga, then 240V with a 120V audiophile step-down transformer. Then the wire was ripped out and cryo’d and put back in. Then a long list of tweaks to that.
Each step up was an improvement, but none of them came even close to the huge improvement from the first step of simply running one direct line. It seems the worst thing you can do is run AC in a chain from one outlet to the next, which is the normal way electricians do it. Simply eliminating all these connections is huge and extremely cost-effective.
I’ve also installed whole panels and know what I’m doing. An extra panel is one of the last things you want to do because guess what? More connections! There are exceptions like if your system is in another building or something, but in any normal home even a large one just run a dedicated line off your existing panel.
Unless of course your panel is crap. There are always exceptions. Michael Fremer has a whole video where his whole panel was redone. Seems a waste to me. Until you see what a mess his panel was.
Run your ONE dedicated line to where your system will be and plug everything into that. Then run another circuit to the room for lights and accessory outlets. Put some extra outlets near the system for lights, demagnetizers, and other accessories. DO NOT ever plug anything connected to your system into one of these, as that is a recipe for ground loop hum.
Exceptions are things like wall wart power supplies, those are a gray area as some it won’t matter at all what they are plugged into while others will benefit from clean AC, it is a case by case basis.
Plan your total outlets accordingly.
More than you think is better.
Normal AC wire is fine just make the system a 20A circuit. Use audiophile outlets. Whichever ones you want just don’t use "hospital grade" thinking that is better, it is the same crap as everything else, thicker but just as crappy. There is much more to audiophile outlets than a tight grip on the power cord.
Plan on using a conditioner and Decware has a very good yet very affordable one, but there are a lot of them out there, pretty much all of which are better than nothing.
Last thing, I have to blow my own horn. A lot of guys have opinions, but read the above again, I have actually done this stuff and compared so know from experience what does what. Even my power conditioner is so modified it has Synergistic, Oyaide, and two other outlets I forget what they are. Differences between them are minor compared to how much better they ALL are to the crap your electrician will install. Yes this stuff is worth the money, and the weird looks you will get.