Other factors affecting sound

I'm building a dedicated room in my basement and was wondering if I should care about in wall electrical wiring and Receptacles. Do these generally make a big difference. I assume anything should be better than builders quality material. Are there any specific recommendations? What about whole house surge protection? Also, I have an option to install a second electrical box, is this helpful? I have a 5000sq ft house in suburban area with very few houses near me. I have clean and stable power. Recommendations appreciated. 


Inconsequential differences between my hospital grade and my Oyaide direct from Japan. Except for $$ that can be utilized better elsewhere.

I have a few household outlets either side of my equipment rack, accessible without moving anything, for table lamps, plug in tube tester, test a piece before I re-arrange ....

system: single 15 amp circuit at rack, plug furman into it, plug all devices into furman. the load is only the source, preamp, amp, not everything at once. also, the furman's capacitors fill up, they handle the instant peaks not the line per se.

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