Tom "as per no magic with 432 tuning and regular USB port."
the reguar usb port does not use the 432 plug in nor does it use the server as designed which is to use the sound card and filtered usb
we would expect no difference
juan definatly noticed a difference when he used the server correctly
"so But bottom line, the 432 EVO yielded a more organic, natural sound to vocals and instruments when playing in the 432 Hz mode. Now, at 440 Hz, the differences were negligible. So, if you like that added warmth and other pleasant qualities that 432 Hz imparts on the signal enough to warrant the purchase, and you have the funds, then definitely! If not, keep your money. Let's face it: some people--even some reviewers--prefer 440 Hz. That's not a bad thing
Dave and troy
Audio Intellect NJ
US importer 432EVO servers