432 EVO

Thought I would start this thread to gauge interest in this network streamer. I have been following it for a little while now. Just wondered if anyone else had this on their radar. Any comments from current owners would be great.


Tom "as per no magic with 432 tuning and regular USB port."


the reguar usb port does not use the 432 plug in nor does it use the server as designed which is to use the sound card and filtered usb

we would expect no difference


juan definatly noticed a difference when he used the server correctly


"so But bottom line, the 432 EVO yielded a more organic, natural sound to vocals and instruments when playing in the 432 Hz mode.  Now, at 440 Hz, the differences were negligible.  So, if you like that added warmth and other pleasant qualities that 432 Hz imparts on the signal enough to warrant the purchase, and you have the funds, then definitely!  If not, keep your money.   Let's face it: some people--even some reviewers--prefer 440 Hz. That's not a bad thing


Dave and troy

Audio Intellect NJ

US  importer 432EVO servers

Audiotroy has had my post removed: I just pointed out that 432 EVO is virtually unknown over here in Europe and that digitally converting recordings made at 440Hz tuning doesn’t seem particularly audiophile. Go figure…

“Audiotroy has had my post removed”


It’s what I call damage control 😊

This is an old review from one of my favorite reviewers:

432 EVO Music Server | HFA - The Independent Source for Audio Equipment Reviews (hifi-advice.com)

Christiaan is very responsive to questions so it might be worth reaching out to him.

@antigrunge2 : your post is still here on that. Nobody can remove anything other than Admin. People can report a post to the admin, but cannot remove it. But your post is still here.


At this point, I think there is plenty of info for everyone to draw their own conclusions based on this PF review and the subsequent discussions and comments. I know I already drew my own conclusion. And as with everything, there is no substitute to trying for ourselves, and not just rely on published reviews, professional reviews or not. So here is that.