Thank you for the responses. I do love the sound of my current Aries 3 through my system; ARC PH-8, ARC REF-6, ARC REF75se, AQ Niagara 5000, AQ William Tell Zero and Bass. AQ Waters. Aurender A10, Vandersteen Quattro CT. This system has nice synergy.
The Tonearm that I presently have is the JMW 10.5i with Nordost wires. Would a gimbaled arm or fat boy be an upgrade?
Any recommendations on cart and tonearm upgrades? Perhaps I will check this out because a move to a Classic 3 or AMG Giro would not be a step forward?
Any opinion on how much benefit I am getting from the single flywheel motor? Would there be a noticeable loss if I went back to a standard motor?