Nice system. I have similar equipment and owned an Aries for twenty years. Fantastic sounding turntable. Personally from your post I would keep it.
I moved from the unsprung Aries to a sprung Linn LP12. I believe (not adamantly) that there is a fundamental difference in sound between sprung and unsprung tables. The unsprung have greater solidity and sound a bit quieter and the sprung sound a bit livelier and detailed. As my dealer said the VPI sounds like a muscle car and the sprung more like a Porsche. They are different sounding. To me the Aries was (is) a screaming deal in sound for the money. I have owned Rega’s, and the AR… and a couple others. To me you have to spend a lot more on a sprung table to get the same sound quality. I love my Linn LP12, but with my cartridge it cost nearly $25K.