First Watt Sit-3 paired with Klipsch Cornwall lV?

Does anyone have Klipsch Cornwall's paired with a First Watt SIT-3? Anyone like to comment?


i have heard neither in my own home system, but from what i know about both the speaker and the amp, it should be a very very nice combination so long as you like how the cornwall 4 presents the music

my xa25 has a very warm midrange and midbass for a solid state amp

i haven’t had a sit3, have had f5 f6 j2, each of fw’s have a somewhat unique sonic character

best suggestion would be to call into reno hifi and/or pass - they will be honest and straightforward with you in answering your question

I did some deep research on this for match with modded Klipshcorns, ultimately I decided to listen to reviewers claiming none of FW could provide textures of tubes on Klipsch Heritage, YMMV.