First Watt Sit-3 paired with Klipsch Cornwall lV?

Does anyone have Klipsch Cornwall's paired with a First Watt SIT-3? Anyone like to comment?


my xa25 has a very warm midrange and midbass for a solid state amp

i haven’t had a sit3, have had f5 f6 j2, each of fw’s have a somewhat unique sonic character

best suggestion would be to call into reno hifi and/or pass - they will be honest and straightforward with you in answering your question

I did some deep research on this for match with modded Klipshcorns, ultimately I decided to listen to reviewers claiming none of FW could provide textures of tubes on Klipsch Heritage, YMMV.


i would concur with what you have found

with very high efficiency horn loaded speakers, even the ’sweet’ solid state amps do not sound vaguely like flea watt tube units like 300b single ended amps.... those are much more rolled off, midrange centric, with much more sympathetic distortion at play

not better or worse, that is a matter of personal taste, but the music presented is surely much different