Improvement of MacBook Air for Streaming Tidal

OK, admittedly I am a bit ignorant on streaming digital. My analogue gear and knowhow is up to par, but digital...not quite. When not listening to vinyl, for ease of use I usually stream Tidal via my MacBook Air to a DAC (Hegel HD30), then to a preamp(Aric Audio Motherlode) then to amp(Coda Model 16) to speakers(TAD CE1’s). I like how easy it is to navigate my Tidal account and library via the MacBook, but I am also smart enough(I believe) to know that I am losing a lot of the fidelity having to use the USB port out of my laptop.

I ask my audio brethren, what are reasonably priced solutions to raise my digital methodologies so that I get the most out of Tidal?


I thank you in advance for your assistance!


I went with SonicTransporter i5>Ultra Rendu>RME ADI 2>Nighthawk Integrated.  I’m getting excellent SQ streaming Tidal and Qobuz vis Roon.  I’m basically a vinyl guy but couldn’t be happier with this setup for my digital listening.  I actually have the ST i5 upstairs connected via Ethernet to my router.   Another Ethernet connection is made downstairs between the Ultra Rendu and a WiFi extender.  

I was happy to remove a Dell laptop and insert the ST i5 in its place.

Just noticed your question about viewing Tidal.  In my setup I view and control Tidal via Roon on my IPad which is networked with Roon on my home network.

@laaudionut "...I usually stream Tidal via my MacBook Air to a DAC"

Understandable question and reasoning. Yep, tried it both ways with A) MacBook Air (noisy) direct to DAC and B) via OSX client for Mac running Tidal on a quality streamer. Yes, agree, the native laptop application in landscape view on a Mac offers more capability, visibility, control vs. iPad or iPhone. Same with other service providers like Apple Lossless HiFi, Amazon HD... I search tracks and create playlists on the Mac laptop (easier to do) and play back playlists later on an iPad or iPhone if i’m not searching or creating playlists, fwiw.

+1 what others said, its much nicer and more musical using a purpose built streamer setup with audio grade power supplies/filtering inside. Get a nice streamer, connect to your streamer from your laptop with the Tidal app from there. Use of a streamer with a quality DAC built-in to the streamer or a separate higher quality external DAC can help the sound notably. If you are a true analog/vinyl fan today, you’ll see members posting about R2R ladder DACs striving for a less grainy sound. Getting your noisy MacBook Air out of the streamer role, shift its’ use to client/app control will help. Hundreds of threads on A’gon about good streamers and DACs people like. Best of luck.


To all who have contributed and commented thus far-Yes, in hindsight I should have taken the time to read and review the many threads that address this very inquiry. I suppose I was trying to save myself from all the negativity and gear bashing that often (unfortunately) accompanies this forum...not to cast generalizations on the audio community overall.

OK, along with the streaming devices suggested thus far, I will do further due diligence on making my initial purchase. And yes, at some time in the near future, I plan on selling the Hegel DAC and replacing it with a Denafrips Terminator. 

My many kind thanks for your attention.