Soundstage depth how to improve? Shootout

Yes, soundstage depth behind the speakers, how can we improve this, and what equipment is most important for this?

Deeper speakers have more sound depth?

Toe-in speakers makes it worse?

Has tube quality something to do with it?

Cables not, that is a fact!

Combination/match preamp/amp?

Distance speakers from backwall have impact, that is also a fact!

Before I had a unison research sinfonia integrated(2×ecc82+2×ecc83 +4×6550) and the depth was much better, the depth behind the speakers was about 6 to 8 foot behind the speakers by estimate.

Now I have a Coincident statement line stage mk2(2×101D) with triode corporation trx-m300(2×310A+1×274B+1×300B’s) amps, and it is maybe half that??

The difference is almost 20k$.

Shoot me, I don’t know....

Speakers: living voice obx-rw2

Digi: bryston bda2 + bdp2



Amp/speaker synergy, and room treatments/acoustics go a long way for sure just as other have noted.  The last piece to my puzzle was the realization that in my room the soundstage was improved when I increased the distance between my speakers by one foot.

You obviously need good quality equipment… speakers and electronics. Then you need ample room behind the speakers, appropriate rear wall (behind speakers) dampening… which is speaker dependent, and careful appropriate toe in. 

My speakers are known for their ability to disappear. After having them for a while I noticed the didn’t and the soundstage was constricted. So I did some adjustments to the toe in… voilà soundstage widened and deepened and the speakers disappeared. 

Great imaging that comes to mind… Wilson Audio, Audio Research, Audio Physics, Rowland, Merlin, I am sure there are a lot more…. Ribbon and planar speakers… but above all WORK. Positioning and room treatments.


Yes your right, this change of amps made the SS much wider, but also less deeper and more forward.


thank's for explaning...the guy from who I bought the coincident and the Triode's had a very small room and the SS was very forward, I thought it was his room, but it was the amps and his room. The coincident is dht, shall a Supratek Cabernet dht be better, because this one is not 100% dht?

your knowledge is very good I see!

Roomtreatment is always a good the near future I will start with this.

still the question is it the coincident or the Triode's, the tubes? the triodes are based on a western electric 91a or b.....anyone familiar with this amps and how they do soundstage depth? 

the speakers have proven they can do extreme soundstage also in depth.

​​​​​​​keep on shooting😁


I saw I opened this thread double...sorry for that, I will delete the other.

Below I copy/paste the reactions of the other thread.


1,107 posts

Speakers carefully positioned. I like my Nola Boxers aimed straight ahead, maybe about seven feet away from my ears, at a height that has the tweets at ear level. A good room. Enough furniture to deaden the joint a little but not put it to sleep.


mahgister's avatar


6,947 posts

I change my soundstage at will....

Read about acoustic and psycho-acoustic...

No gear can beat acoustic....

And positioning the speakers will not do.... It is only an elementary basic necessity that will not create soundstage...

A room acoustic control and treatment will do...

Dont upgrade with costly gear to improve soundstage.... the gear cannot replace acoustic...It is consumers market conditioning...snake oil sellers.... For sure some gear are better than other one  but NONE could replace acoustic control....Acoustic is science...


jjss49's avatarAg insider logo xs@2x


4,139 posts

room interaction with speaker is most key (that includes speaker placement and listening position)

@klappertjedundas Are your images dimensional, in that they have proportional width and depth. If they are fully dimensional ss positioning shouldn't be much bother. Sounds to me like you're getting FLAT and FORWARD ss, that would be a bother. There was recent thread here that asked specifically about where vocals located in relation to speaker front baffle, I recall most members systems ss located just behind front baffles. This is not abnormal ss!


I hear two perspectives with good system setups. One is more forward ss, illusion of performers in room, second is more recessed ss, illusion of performers in studio or recording venue. You may be person who prefers second perspective. Or, your image dimensionality is lacking.


How did the imaging from the Unison sound comparatively to present setup did individual images have more depth. I'd find it hard to believe that push pull would have greater dimensional imaging than present setup. Your should have top flight imaging with your pre and 300b amp!


Have you attended to AC in your room, therefore, dedicated circuits, conditioning if needed, power cords? Bad AC greatly affects ss and imaging.


One can also manipulate ss with speaker positioning, further out into room would help deepen stage, more toe in could help. Room treatments, front wall behind speaker important, reflective surfaces would bring ss forward, diffusion and/or absorption would be worth playing with. I know of two treatments I can guarantee will manipulate your ss to greatest effect I've experienced, one is Synergistic HFT, the other Schumann Resonators. Put a SR on front wall, I guarantee it will suck that phantom center image rearward.


In the end, you may just be one of those people preferring more recessed ss, but this usually sign something about sound quality is bothersome. Forward ss can sound in your face if sound quality not exactly right. Once you get your system to sound like flesh and blood performers in room chances are you'll love being closer to performers. The fact you need them to be at distance from you is sign of something amiss. Your new amp and pre are higher resolving than prior setup, this is exposing some flaw elsewhere. Nothing wrong with your equipment here, both are top flight performers!