PS Audio BHK Signature Preamp?

Little or no user experience reported on this one that I can find.

Any fans out there?


I have one. It replaced a Rogue RP-5. The BHK is more refined sound and nicer build to the Rogue. I purchased mine before PSA went direct and one could get great prices. You may find one of PSA’s former dealers have some stock or a demo unit still left. 

Appreciate the tip. Will see what I can turn up out in the field. A "bargain" would be most welcome as new prices are soaring.


PS Audio has their own forums, I'm sure you could get many opinions there.  Of course, most would probably be positive. 

I'm not complaining about you posting here.  I'd be interested in what others here have to say too.

I’m running mine with Gold Lion 12au7s. The stock PSvanes sound wonderful as well. Not too much difference in sound between the two that would really make one take notice. 

I bought the BHK on 3/23/2020 and later on replacing with two brand new NOS telefunken tubes, wow, I can hear the sound is more beautiful. It is a good preamp.

Hopefully, that will help.