Power Cable Suggestions - Budget

I've read many times about the difference a power cable upgrade can make. I looked at some of the power cables that came with my amp, preamp, CDP, etc. and they do seem very cheap so thinking about buying some cables. I have Bryston pre and amp. Was thinking of maybe the 14 gauge Pangea or similar then I realized I am plugging into a power strip whose cable is likely junk and will need an upgrade here too (maybe 6 outlets). So in summary, I need a couple cables and a power strip that might result in the improvement that some of you claim. Thinking of keeping it in the 3-400 dollar range for all.


What components do you have? That will make a difference. Is it a preamp or surround processor… big difference. 

mceljo is correct. Start with W Audio. Send them out for cryo if you wanna upgrade. Or spend an inordinate amount of time shopping and auditioning.

Thanks all. I’ll go for the Furman power strip first then try a power cord on the processor then amp.