Try a Luxman CL-38Uc. I have one and it works perfectly. Right in your price range.
It replaced an AR Ref 6 pre and AR Ref 3 phono
Improving my Preamp
I’m looking to improve my dedicated two channel preamp
Right now I’m using Parasound Hint6 as preamp I know is (integrated) but looks much better than P6 😂😂😂
My budget is $4K-$6K
i really want to try TUBE PREAMP with my Solid State Amps
Right I’m thinking about this 3 preamps
1.Audio Research REF6
2. Audio Research LS28 and
3. SimAudio Moon 8P
My current set up: Klipsch Cornwall IV Klipsch EPIC CF4 and focal chorus 807V W
SimAudio moon evolution W7 amp SimAudio Supernova CD/DAC
Classe Audio CA-2300 amp Parasound Hint6 Cambridge Azur 851N DAC/Streamer
and Pair of SVS SB16 ultra
I need at least 2 set’s of balance XLR inputs
PLEASE I’m not interested in any TUBES AMPS thanks 🙏