Cost-effective integrated

Hi All-  trading on your wisdom and knowledge (and thanks for sharing!)- my Marantz PM6004 integrated amp began blowing fuses recently, so it's time to move on.  Looking for primarily analogue input, though digital might be useful at some point, and I'd like a remote.  New or used, would like to stay on the low side of $1000. 45w at 8 ohms is enough grunt - looking for fidelity over power.  Thoughts?  Thanks in advance for your wise counsel!


For new, the Parasound NewClassic 200 is pretty nice and ticks most boxes that anyone could have.

For used, there's a Classe CAP-101 here on Agon for sale.  Those are pretty nice, as well, with minimal features.

NAD and Cambridge Audio also have some nice offerings around $1000 that seem to get great reviews.

Rega Brio is right at your price, and you could save some money by finding a used/demo model.  Wonderful, engaging sound.

Thanks very much for the suggestions... interesting that NAD comes up - I had a 7120 receiver when I was in school.  No tubes, but you did have to keep it stoked with coal!  Seriously, though, that piece lasted about 15 years and I was very happy with it, so I will explore that option - and the others mentioned so far. I really appreciate the insight!

I bought my Jolida 302CRC for $600 a few months ago. It’s pushing some 150lb speakers and manhandles them up to 90db or so. Tons of texture and tone and just great sounding. For under a grand I would look at Jolida if your into tubes.

I have a Musical Fidelity A1008 (a 6k integrated from 15 years ago) for just over you budget on the way.