What direction should I go

My system is as follows:

Magico S5 MKII
Pass Labs x250

Plinius CD-LAD mkII

Primare D30.2
Moon Audio Moon LP-5.3
VPI Industries Scout

As you can see I have no streaming capabilities. I have been reading a lot here but I am still unsure what to do. I was thinking that I would get a separate DAC and streamer. I would run the Primare digital out into the new DAC ( expecting a big improvement ) as well as connecting the streamer and hard drive so I would need SPDIF and USB connections. If I have ~$13k what direction would you guys go? I also thought about the Esoteric N-05XD to use as a pre as well as the all in one DAC/Streamer and still run the Primare through it. This would allow me to sell my current pre to help a little with the costs. This direction would also allow me to remove one shelf in my rack and save money on not having to buy additional cables.

If I had to be on one side of neutral I would go the more revealing, cooler, side of things. I listen to a wide range of music from Classical to Jazz to Rock to Metal ( and a lot of the subgenres that aren't "hifi" ). I am looking for a deep wide soundstage with no loss in the bottom end and airy highs.

For a time I thought about getting a new CD player that has digital inputs ( mine does not ) and add the streamer and hard drive to it. Based on reading I think perhaps that is not the best approach but I am not opposed to that either.

I have some somewhat local dealers to me that include brands like Aurender, Bricasti, MSB, Esoteric, Chord, Innuos, Mytek, Nagra, Berkely Audio Design. I am open to any recommendations outside of these also it is just I would prefer to demo them. But if it is used I would consider it as I could sell if it didn't fit my system.



I'd start with the Innuos ZEN 3 at $2500. 

Why? It streams/rips/stores. One Box.

You seem to have a lot of boxes so

maybe that is your preference.

Buy an Ares 2 DAC $800.

Buy the Uptone Audio Etherregen $650

Hardwire router to Regen. 

Enjoy !!


All easily resold if you find a desire to trade up.

Meantime you are streaming.

I think your approach is good. Your current equipment choices look to be exactly in line with your desired sound output.


Given the high quality of your system you will want to add a streamer and DAC of appropriate quality. I would not recommend any budget gear… you will be disappointed with the results. If I hadn’t looked at your budget I would recommend a Aurender N10 and a Berkeley Alpha 3 DAC. Maybe think used. I still would.


Thinking ahead, I would look at this route as this… if you get streaming right, you will not use files stored locally or disks. So, if you do this correctly you can get access to a nearly infinite library of music at better sound quality than you have now.

Take your time, use your dealers as he has some good options. It is really good that you know what you want.

Waiting for @jasonbourne52 to appear and tell you all you need is a 100.00 DAC connected to a 50.00 DVD player....



As one who just got into streaming about 9 months ago, my advice is to get a player/server which has the hard drives built in. IOW a straight path from music to player. This should remove one of the network handshakes which is the biggest problem I have had with an all in one player. It sounds good enough when I can get the issues with network handshakes taken care of.But they seem endless, which is why I agree with @ghdprentice on the aurender because it does have the drives built in and seems to have a reasonably sound controller software.

Thank you for all the input. It appears as though with my budget and used gear I can get a decent setup. However, I would have to rely on reviews and in the event it doesn't work well in my system, resaleability. I assume I can look at what is for sale on A'gon and get a feel for what does and does not sell well.

If I audition pieces at some of the dealers around I will definitely buy from them. I do not feel right about checking out different gear then buying it used from somewhere else.

So the question of new vs used needs to be answered. Assuming the consensus on this forum would be to get used?

Do people on here have a sense of what has good and bad resale to where I can hit you up and say is this piece a good candidate without audition?