Sony SCD-777ES, Oppo UPD-205 or Marantz SA-KI Ruby

I have a Sony SCD-777ES with Kern modes and a super clock.  Run it these days only for CD with an External Oppo Sonica DAC.  Also have the Oppo UDP-205.  I am interested to get something better.  Will spend up to $ 5,000.  Could be new or used.  Could also be an upgrade.  The Marantz SA-KI Ruby seems a nice choice.  But I am open to something else.  What is my reference to match - Oracle Delphi with ET-2 tone arm and a Cello Miyabi cartridge.  I want a SACD/CD rig that sounds as good as my vinyl rig.  Neither Sony nor Oppo can do that.  Thank you.


I would not put any money into a drawer loader. Done with them.

Do what makes ya happy.

The new Luxman units are something I would consider if and when my Vaccum State 5+ modded Sony SCD-1 dies. The Sony is still sounding great. Not as resolving as the newest DAC’s but it is close, and the sound is incredible.

Luxman D-03X CD Player (

Luxman D-10X CD/SACD Player and DAC - The Absolute Sound


My UDP-205 is the Modwright customized version with a separate single-tube power supply and twin-tube audio output. I'm happy as can be with it but haven't listened to the other players mentioned.

This may be a stupid question: have you made the appropriate adjustments in the Audio Processing Setup and the Speaker Configuration, as found in the User Manual?

If the answer is no, then you haven't really experienced the sound it's capable of delivering. 

There is even a Crossover frequency Bass Management adjustment for all speakers that I find can make a difference from one recording to another. The default is 80Hz.

I’ve heard the ruby player a few times and it just sits at my dealers. The SA 10 is the one you want. Of course, YMMV.

I too, have a 105. Mine is moded with Furutec IEC with solid silver tail to the board, 110/220 jumper to bypass the switch, and replaced the OEM PS with a linear power supply. These significantly improved the sound, but the transport really holds the 105 back. This is on my next replacement list hth