Yes. The hiss/noise was super loud from the start. I purchased a new pair of JJ tubes and the same thing. My amp at the time had super high gain (34 db) so I thought that I needed to lower the gain on the pre output side. I purchased a pair of Harrison labs Attenuators (12 DB I believe) and noise and hiss was still loud. Then, one day I turned the pre on and the display would not come on, but the button lights did work and the pre worked as well. I contacted Rogue who had me send it in. They replaced the display module and some time of input or output board. When it returned the noise was gone and the tube hiss was normal (I then purchased a Schiit passive pre) to lower the hiss until I got an amp with lower gain (Firstwatt J-2). After all that no issues. The Rogues are fine equipment and the company addressed everything with no hassle.