Rouge Audio RP-7

Hello everyone. 


I dont see much talk about Rouge Audio products on here. Anyone have experience with their pre amps? I don't have much experience with hybrid pre amps. Was looking for a match with the Coda no.8 amplifier that I have coming in a month :)


Yes. The hiss/noise was super loud from the start. I purchased a new pair of JJ tubes and the same thing. My amp at the time had super high gain (34 db) so I thought that I needed to lower the gain on the pre output side. I purchased a pair of Harrison labs Attenuators (12 DB I believe) and noise and hiss was still loud. Then, one day I turned the pre on and the display would not come on, but the button lights did work and the pre worked as well. I contacted Rogue who had me send it in. They replaced the display module and some time of input or output board. When it returned the noise was gone and the tube hiss was normal (I then purchased a Schiit passive pre) to lower the hiss until I got an amp with lower gain (Firstwatt J-2). After all that no issues. The Rogues are fine equipment and the company addressed everything with no hassle. 

I had a RP5 for 15 months and never had any problems with it. I did not like having to remove from my rack and remove top cover to configure the Moving coil phono and change tubes.  I went with NOS Mullard. My preamp was dead quiet, felt the remote was a joke. $3500 for a preamp with a $5.00 remote.  For the price, they should have included a metal remote.  I sold it because I went all in on McIntosh. 

I had the RP-7 for several years until I had Rogue upgrade the unit to the RP-9.

The RP7 was very good, a bargain for the price.  Low noise level. Good dynamics, sound stage. Bass was not fuzzy or thick.  Treble was not bright.  Midrange solid.  I did not use the phono stage. I had it feeding initially the Rogue ST100 (modified as "dark") and then the Rogue Apollo Darks amps. I listen to classical and jazz through Sonus Faber Amati Tradition speakers with Nordost Valhalla cables.  I had Rogue do the upgrade to the RP9.  The RP9 is a significant step up, although at first you might not even recognize the change. The RP9 has an even lower noise floor.  The treble is more open (Rogue calls it more airy) and smooth or silky not harsh or bright.  Midrange is even more distinct and the bass is more dynamic, differentiated. Sound stage even better in that it is definitely deeper and somewhat wider.  (RP-9 is feeding the Apollos.)  Dealing with Mark at Rogue has been a pleasure. His knowledge is remarkable, his designs show the spark of genius, and he is really willing to educate and help the customer. Just a very personable, nice person.