Recommendation for replacement of Freya +

In one of my systems, it does double duty of 2 channel and HT. I have a Lexicon RV-6 for HT and then I was using my Freya + for 2 channel. The main issue is that I use the same speakers for both systems so I use Home Theater Bypass. The Freya doesn’t have what I would call a true version and you have to turn the volume control all the way up on the Freya to get the full signal in bypass.

I get a nasty hum once it’s turned all the way up and it’s driving me mad!

Looking for a replacement pre-amp that has HT bypass, a remote, and balanced input and output for around $1k used. I’ve seen Parasound P6, Emotiva XSP for around that price but looking for other options.

Greatly appreciate any input or recommendations.



Seperate speakers is my way. Then I don't have to worry about any nonsense. 

Good luck

It's a bit quieter in passive mode but still noise from the speakers at full volume, take it to half volume and it's quiet.  

My turntable is quiet, I don't have much electrical noise usually but it's the needing of full volume on the Freya in bypass that's creating the issues.

I really like it for 2 channel use but I'm sure there has to be another pre out there with a real HT bypass that can work.

It's a bit quieter in passive mode but still noise from the speakers at full volume, take it to half volume and it's quiet.  

Seems strange to me and I have run it "full up" in all modes.

Either your Freya+ is defective or there's a lot of noise in your system that needs to be attenuated.   

Post removed 

OP, you said that the Freya doesn’t give “a true version”. 

it wasn’t designed with home theater bypass features.  I suspect you are going to have to spend a whole lot more than the Freya’s price tag to get something that gives a truer version.  I’m not sure anything exists in the boutique brands that has some kind of theater bypass.

You mentioned having other systems, I’m in your boat with a total of four systems these days, although one is just for swapping in gear and comparing.  Perhaps it’s just best to not do 2 channel in the Freya set up?

Or, in one set up, I inserted a Schiit Sys between the AVR and the 2 channel mains amp.  I connected the CD player on one input, and the AVR signal on the other input, and the amp on the outputs.  This allows me to toggle between the CD spinner and the AVR, for a quick and dirty 2 channel option.  The Sys has a volume control.  For $50, maybe it’s worth a shot?