AKM makes the best DACs

OK, before you flame a reply to my heading please read this section.

It is a terrible idea to judge a DAC based on the chip.  I don't think consumer's should ever do that. I think there is a lot that goes into a good external DAC unit and the converter chip is just one of many factors that go into the final sound.

Having said that, it turns out I tend to like the sound of DACs with AKM chips over most others.  A long time ago I would have said the same about Burr Brown.

For converters which use an all in one chip what is the brand you find yourfself more likely to like the sound of vs. not?



TBH, I was very much interested in the DAC you and sns were discussing (go and check my posts on that thread). But when there was a communication issue on the manufacturer side that some one reported, you guys pounced on such posters, acted as mediators and tried to resolve the issue. To me that raised a red flag. The product must be good - but the manufacturer is responsible for communication and getting issues resolved. The users discussing that components should not diss people reporting the issue. I also see that you both constantly punch against US and Japanese components - for their prices. Yes Japanese and US components cost more because labor in these countries is not cheap unlike the place where your favorite DAC is made. It brings more doubt to my mind. I will keep it at that, to be civil and not take it further.

Because in the main, great DACs are made with great power supplies, great clocking devices and great analog stages.

This is partially true. The final sound of a component is tuned by the designer and his ear. Copy-paste is not a great idea for building great components. Great components would definitely lead to great measurements - no doubt. But it would not necessarily mean an emotionally stirring sound. But I get it - like some one mentioned in the thread above - it is the user's opinion. Great details and separation means thrilling to one person, while sounding sterile and lifeless to another. Each person picks their poison.

Melm, I believe that we have ’noise’ in our communication.

My post was an answer to your question to another member yoyoyaya, where he questioned audioman’s remark that AK does not belong to ’upper market’ and than mentioned Esoteric as one of the ’upper market’ brands with many models using AK dacs.

Also, one can search old posts here and find Alex Peychev thoughts on Esoteric dacs and AK chips ,which he used or modified with great succes, in some of his models.

After that I have simply said that this discussion is kind of pointless, imho, because, as I have said, there are many good sounding different dacs or players with different types of chips or technology (architecture or call it as you may like)

Personally, I have no particular preference, owned different types and models and just trying to keep an open mind/ear about it

Op has clearly said that claim from the title is just something based on his taste and limited experience, so again, do not see any point for further, or heated, discussion

To be clear, I’m not actually asking anyone to make a value judgement about a specific piece of gear based on the internals. I want to go the other way.

I want to ask you, dear readers and listeners, what has your _experience_ been when evaluating DAC’s ? What have you generally experienced?

We can argue all we want to about how to judge gear, but we cannot invalidate listener's experiences.

@milpai You have made some unwarranted comments in regard to myself.

I in fact stated in that thread a desire for more comparative reviews of 005 dac. I also stated I was seeking less favorable perspectives on particular aspects of said dac performance.

And I constantly punch against US and Japanese equipment, wow! I happen to own Audio Technica tt, Jelco tonearm, Denon cartridge. As for US equipment, I own Klipschorns, Modwright phono stage, BPT power conditioner, Cardas cabling, Merlin speakers, Conrad Johnson amp, Harman Kardon tt,  many NOS tubes, Coincident Statement pre and 845 SET, Canadian, ok not US, but close enough, ok.  I happen to own one piece of Chinese equipment, certainly many internal parts of virtually all my equipment Chinese sourced.


My comments in regard to Chinese equipment have been solely limited to either business models or cost of labor. I am not a fan boy of any particular manufacturer, country of origin or topologies for that matter. Subjectivist of the highest order!


Please be accurate when making certain claims against people.



Recently switch from an older DAC using ESS 9018 chip to a more recent one using AKM 4493.  I am happy with the result though the change is not huge, it does seem more pleasant.