Tube Integrated vs Tube Seperates

I’m looking into buying a tube setup.  Thinking it will be Primaluna because I find tube amps a bit intimidating and I will be putting lots of hours on it. Because these factors Primaluna seems like at least a good place to start for me. Thanks to all who gave me there impressions in my previous post about Primaluna.  Anyway, looking for people’s take on tube integrated vs tube seperates. Really what I’m looking for in the move is more holographic soundstage, bloom, air, and an over all more lifelike presentation. Will I get more of these qualities by going Dialogue preamp into Dialogue amp, or with the Dialogue HP integrated, or will it be very similar?  Any thoughts are much appreciated 


I prefer the simplicity and sound of a high quality integrated tube amplifiers like the Audio Hungary Qualiton Series. But they are above your budget even used.

My X200 smokes every PL, AR and Mac separate I have ever owned. 

I had a PL Dialogue Premium integrated, then the preamp and amp separately, and yes the separates were much better - a lot more clarity and detail.  I now have 2 Evo 300 monos that I use a Benchmark LA4 (solid state) preamp with, running Harbeth M30.2 and second Runwell’s comments above regarding Line Magnetic.  If you can audition, depending on what speakers you have, the LM is awesome (I have the 845ia) which is only 22 w/ch.  For classical and jazz I enjoy this integrated more than any of the above.  And it does not have less clarity than the very neutral and detailed LA4 running the PL monos, which to me was amazing.   The PL are very nice though also and you can’t go wrong with them.  The LM is just more realistic sounding and musical, to my ears.  Actually has more ‘snap’ and punch than the PL.

I had a long response but it went poof. So I’ll make this short and sweet. For your budget, buy the best new PL integrated you can afford. However without knowing what loudspeaker you will be driving, my final answer is TBD.

Sorry, but I think you’d be misguided to ignore the Line Magnetic suggestion.  And I’ll add the Octave V40 SE, which I think will also stomp it in terms of imaging and holography.  Pretty sure I saw a review where Octave stomped PL, but I’m not gonna search for it and I could be wrong.  Im not saying the PrimaLuna is bad at all — they’re excellent.  But, for what you’re looking for in terms of imaging holography, I think both LM and Octave would be superior.  But, that’s up to you.  FWIW, and Best of luck. . 

I used Tubes for 50 years . There are no really  good ones made or used ,

2 small d's are it ,


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