Where would you go after Wilson WP7?

I have the Wilson WP7's paired with Krell 300MCX monos, Krell Home Theater Standard 7.1, Velodyne 18 with SMS-1. I am sure the good folks here would have some opinions on an upgrade, what would you do or just be happy?

My room is small 9' wide, 8.5' ceiling, 16' long. Room may have a tad more sound treatment than needed but at high SPL works very well.

Likes: I prefer concert level volumes appropriate to the music. To that end the system has very fast, tight bass. Actually its really good. No distorsion at 103Dbs. Good to very good imaging.

Cons: Highs are bright or hot. very directional so very small sweet spot.

Can anther speaker sound better given the smallish room?

Really? Your recommending the Maxx3 or Alexandria for a 9' wide room that is 16' long? My sense is even the WP7 is too big for that room - I doubt you are getting the best they have to offer with a room like that.
IMO I have agree with S7horton..too much speaker for your room.As a Raidho owner I suggest the new C1.1s..everything your asking for and then some.Best ribbons on the market and they sound amazing ,faster than the Wilsons,better imaging,extremely musical unlike the 7s.Mate well with current backline and you may not even need that sub!
Agree with S7horton, you may have too much speaker for the cubic volume of the room.Moving to a larger speaker is very questionable.
Just curious have you had a formal hearing test with an audiologist recently? Be careful with the volume levels.
Best of Luck,
I have heard the Alexandria in a room 15' x 10' and i am telling you...the same room also had Guarneris...and i was stunned at how like a monitor the Alexandrias could sound when properly set up.

The key is you HAVE to have the right people set it up. The person who did it, in this case, is considered by Wilson one of the top handful of guys in the world.

That said, i take everyone's point...9x16 does not need a huge speaker to deliver concert levels, that is for sure.
"Can another speaker sound better given the smallish room?"

Maybe Magnepan (yes, even in your small room).

Being a planar, much less floor and ceiling bounce than your point source. What you might lose in bass impact could be made up for and maybe bettered with a powered sub.

You should have room behing the speaker but if you can't get 3 or 4 feet, you can put a diffuser behing them.

You certainly have the amp for them.