Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?

Candidate 1: Affordable at about 3K


Candidate 2: Ultra expensive at 50K.


So what's the difference?


@jbhiller Well said.

For me: “I don't have $50k speakers, but today I have $32K speakers and I never thought I'd get here.  I can now fathom maybe a $70K set of speakers if I could use them and enjoy them thoroughly for 20 years. 


However, when I retired I had $13K speakers which I thought I would have forever, and was able to upgrade to these $34K speakers… wow, I am so lucky… and enjoy them every day. They are so much more than I thought speakers could be.

I'd tell the O.P. that 'diminishing returns' are part of the difference between a 2k and a 50k loudspeaker, assuming he'd understand that the 50k can sound better.

By the 'tone' of his question I think he may be just irritated with folks who can appreciate and afford better models. He might enjoy some high-end speaker bashing, don't know.

Accept diminishing returns and buy only what you can hear. If it's a tin ear then the $2k may satisfy for a lifetime. Some are so well-designed they can. Still, I'll enjoy a Tidal Audio or Rockport or MBL, etc, far more than a cheaper pair.

For me  @jhiller  has is exactly right. Don't own a boat or snowmobile, don't need fancy new depreciating cars (some good used ones can be fun, eg Miata). Putting money into a hobby I enjoy every day makes a lot more sense.

Perhaps the O.P. should venture out and hear some world-class designed loudspeaker and he'll get it figured out.





I have a pair that retailed for 5k and another that were about 1500 new. I listen to the $1500 pair.