Why exotic stylus not used on MM?

Is the reason why micro line or similar exotic stylus are not used in MM' s because the tonal balance will shift to higher frequencies?


'Exotic' has been the go to enticement in the commercial world of HiFi for a very long time, it runs parallel with esoteric, in relation to suggesting there is an exclusivity in being enabled to experience the commercially offered item.

It sure does help with justifying parting with ones funds, and such unobtainable, fantastical, attachments to a product, does justifiably make the Bank Account feel a little emptier and unrecoverable when the unobtainable has been paid for.    

The fact that in relation to Styli, these parts being discussed underwent an extra set of control parameters to achieve their form in an earlier era of marketing, in todays market, there are multiple reserves stockpiled and readily produced, does somewhat seem to have an impact which changes the marketing spiel attached to such parts from an earlier period.

Such parts are no longer restricted to be acquired in any manner, and these can be acquired with relative ease when sought out. 

Most individuals, if so wished, can be putting them to use across a broad selection of owned products, this in itself takes away the allure of the 'Exotic' and the term 'commonly available' will be a more suitable term in the modern market. 

I am not going to stand in the way of anybody that wants to carry on with the allure of a marketing spiel and maintain the term 'Exotic' for what is now a very commonly available part.    

I’d rather watch an exotic dancer than an esoteric dancer. SoundSmith SMMC cartridges are a very pale imitation of the B&O original, and if you think the originals have aged into mediocrity, send them all to me.

For one thing, SS and probably no one else can source the tubular sapphire cantilever with press-fitted stylus that characterizes the B&O version. SS uses a solid sapphire rod of different quality and the stylus is glued on.


"I have a rega rb300 arm"

You can make a significant improvement to your system by upgrading your tonearm. Move further up the Rega line, or get an Audiomods or Origin Live that is a drop in replacement

Exotic Dance - Esoteric Dance - Ecstatic Dance, all methods of expressing oneself, outside of the mainstream commonly participated in forms of dance.

Interestingly all three can overlap into each other, as the disciplines do not restrict a unique expression for the dancer.

In other words the disciplines that are set to create a recognised dance from the mainstream are not needed when abandonment of a controlled expression is the fundamental.

Abandonment of readily available Technologies, and showing a preference for an 'obsolete technology' is not necessarily being a user of a item that has been deemed 'Exotic', it is the advertising spiel that was made about the item that grants this status, iit is also possibly mis-used by individuals who extend the use of the term for other items not labeled with the term in the sales spiel.

It would seem to myself and generally, that such individuals adopting this term, for very clear reasons, need to give their choices being made more relevance and seemingly have an ulterior  importance.

Narrowing it down to Cartridges, there are products on offer today that have Modern Technologies applied that are used in a very limited method, with materials that are not widely chosen.

I am yet to see these types of products be presented in a modern day Sales Brochure as being 'Exotic'. Maybe such a term has had its day and is only hung onto by a certain few, who needed it in another era, to make their choices convincing for them.

For the record, I have heard some of the Styli in the list above, I have not knowingly owned any of the listed on a Cartridge used by myself, but I have used Styli supplied from some of the Brands in the list.

At present it feels I do not need to make a choice to change to an alternative Styli, to achieve a level of replay that can impress more than the one I have in use at present. To achieve this, I would feel the Cart' being used,  would need to be a improvement in the entirety of the assembly of all parts selected.