R&R HOF Snubs

Name one (and only one) band not in the HOF but who you feel should. I'll begin by nominating Little Feat.


As the originator of this thread, I whole heartedly agree with all of the subsequent additions. Outstanding suggestions!

"Rock & Roll" HOF

What a joke. In todays "include everybody, no losers" society, just induct all groups from EVERY genre so no one is offended!

The "R&R" definition is too diluted. 

Too bad a committee can't just put down some HARD criteria to keep the questionable nominees out.

I like most of the artists mentioned here. I don't like 'Halls of Fame' or Grammies. This is about art, not statistics, so it should not be a contest. Most of my favorite musical artists are not in the Hall of Fame and never will be, but it bothers me not a jot, and I suspect that most of those particular artists don't care, either. 

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