Acoustic treatment and acoustic mechanical control over gear upgrade for improvement

«NO speaker can beat the room»... I dont remember where i read these words coming from the mouth of an acoustician....😁😊

No speakers at any cost will beat, by their upgrading power ALONE, over another good speakers we owned before it, the power of acoustic control over them two...





Here are these 6 aspects of acoustic control parameters in a room i experimented with :

1 -Balance between absorbing surfaces,

2 -Reflecting one,

3 -Diffusive one....

This was "classical" passive material treatment of a room...

Now these 3 new other factors are related to my concept of the mechanical active control of a room ( what i called a mechanical equalizer):

4-control over reverberation time and timing of the wavefronts by using reflecting devices at the right spot...( the great advantage of a small room is the possibility to control reverberation time and timing in a positive way, in a way that amphiteater or great hall could not so easily, making speakers/room synergy better)

5- control over the distribution of the pressure zones with a grid of H.R from one speaker to the other around the room...And with some other devices...

6- fine layering and tuning of the flow of the sound waves by working with tubes of different zize and straws for example in the right location on the shear velocity of the waves and their sound pressure...




In a small room remember that at the speed of sound 1100 feet by second, the sound weaves cross your small room of 13 feet, like mine for example, cross it 84 times per second...Your room atmosphere is tense like a violin cord for the ears/brain. who take decision and make his computing between your 2 ears in couple of ten milliseconds... Do you begin to understand why even a straw or tube diameter/lenght/volume, can change the sound of a room /speakers relation ?


These 3 last aspects described above could be controlled with Helmhotz mechanical method NOT by electronical equalization...

( Imaging, soundstage, dynamic, timbre percption, listener envelopment, sound source dimension, colors,etc any acoustic qualities are all related with one another and changing one is changing the others a bit also, the key is changing all of them together with mechanical control in a fine tuning incremental optimizing process of listenings experiments)

Electronic E.Q. can be a useful tool but cannot tune a room nor be a PART of the room like a mechanical equalizer...And E.Q.uing with a frequency test ask for a location which could be accurate only in a millimeter range, anywhere else causing havoc...

Then the piano will not sound the same from the same pair of speakers in a non controlled room and in a controlled one...Not even close...



Dont upgrade good speakers with costly one BEFORE studying and experimenting with acoustic...

My acoustic devices and experiments were all homemade and cost me nothing...

I can then claim that great hi-Fi experience is possible at low cost contrary to what is claimed or supposed almost everywhere by almost everyone...

People dont know acoustic and never seriously try experimenting with it in a dedicated SMALL room...

Anyway if electronic engineering design is a mature technology for 70 yeears now with major improvement behind, acoustic of SMALL room is a new venture for few decades only because customers demands was not there enough till very recently....

A living room is not an audio dedicated room... I am happy to be retired and i could experiment for the last few years in acoustic and made the above discoveries for myself...

A dedicated audio room is the ONLY one luxury in audio not the price tag of the gear at all...

Basic relatively good gear is enough to give a very good audiophile experience FOR MOST PEOPLE... Claiming the opposite is most of the times ignorance of acoustic....Reviewers sells gear not acoustic information...Then the customer is conditioned to upgrade the gear not to understand acoustic...

By the way i am only a not skilled, non crafty, ordinary dude, but dedicated in my passion : listening music with a good sound but at NO COST or very low one...

Is it possible? Yes i proved it to myself and my goal here is to point to the right direction for improvement and spare people their money...

I learned a bit of acoustic by listening experiments not by resolving equations...Anyway acoustic phenomenon are too complex in a small room with his multidimensional numerous parameters to be reducible to simple linear equations...It is mostly non linear phenomena...

Anyway the ears could beat computer on the qualities recognition... It is the reason why blind people develop bat skill and learn to see sound...

Human ears evolve million of years to recognize "timbre voices" not tested frequency and qualities in the sound source not reflective abstract waves for themselves...A map is not reality....

Acoustic has a taste, a color, a touch, and a life of his own so to speak in a poetical way... 😁😊😊😊


P.S. My system basic value is around 500 bucks but every part is well chosen and after 7 years i dont think to upgrade any part at all thanks to acoustic...

The photo in my virtual page by the way are too old and are in no way able to describe my actual room....

It is way nuttier and more silly now than some here said it was, trying to discredit my claims and discoveries...But my room is more a LABORATORY, not a living room and not the usual audio room, and "at no cost", none of my devices homemade and with improvised design are esthetical and suited to a normal living room... More skilled people than me must make their own device more beautiful and more efficient...

I say that my room is a laboratory because nobody teach me acoustic here and how to control a room...

-Passive treatment is NOT active mechanical control for example, they are COMPLEMENTARY but one cannot replace the other at all,

-square small room are not "bad" if we know how to adress them , ( there is no bad room only improved one, my room : 13 feet by 13 feet and 8 feet 1/2))

-and near listening will be affected by the room acoustic like regular listening position in a small room...( then thinking that near listening will make acoustic treatment and control unnecessary is wrong)

These 3 facts for example were personal discoveries contradicting popular claims in audio thread.......

And to give you an idea about my speakers/room relation NONE of my 7 headphones, hybrid, electrostatic or magneplanar or dynamic are interesting to listen to now , they are in my closet retired....

I begin my audiophile journey by buying headphones and modifying them with success hoping to reach the better...But Headphones are not for most of them satisfying on all acoustical count even when modified positively... I decided to try my luck with speakers...

After i have sold my stupendous Tannoy dual gold 12 inches speaker...I was lucky enough to buy the best speaker Mission ever designed for 50 bucks : Mission cyrus speakers 780 for sure they dont have the Tannoy potential but they are smaller and very good with acoustic control... Ratio quality/price more than good...But this is only relatively good basic gear, nothing to brag about...Acoustic is more important than the gear piece...

I learned for 2 years of acoustic homemade treatment and many months of experiments in acoustic control non stop... I am retired and time was no problem only money was... 😁😊


I sell creativity not gear .....I sell a method not "tweaks"...


This video is informative and moving at some time...And you will understand why it is not simple to buy a good set of speakers...


@mahgister Thank you for the reply. It will take me some time to read it. I will also watch the video.

There is a chicken and egg problem in all of this, but it is likely solved by iterative and experimental testing. 

You are better than me to say things simply and economically...English is by far not my language, i never spoke it and never wrote it before coming here, only read it... i apologize for that...

My deepest respect to you...

Thanks for your simple resume :

There is a chicken and egg problem in all of this, but it is likely solved by iterative and experimental testing.

@mahgister Thank you for your always enlightening posts.  They have been very interesting and I have enjoyed trying some of your ideas and experimenting in my listening space with good success.  My space is contrary to your suggestion that you need a dedicated room.  I don’t have or want a dedicated room.  I use an open living room (24x16x10) working off a corner diagonal.  Surprisingly the room acoustics and absorption are quite good when doing sound tests.   My 2 channel stereo and TV are in a wood hutch with speakers on both sides which I have to live with to maintain my living arrangements.

What worked well for me was:

adding 6’ sound absorbing panel in the corner behind hutch 

built an ardent 5’ - 3 tube Argent room lens  to spec placed right behind the hutch

added 5 shumann generators with shungite and diamond to enhance throughout room

 Built 8 Helmholtz resonators from various sized wine/spirits bottles with straws, experimented with placements and was shocked the sound stage and 3d effect they added.  (Have to store in closet when not in listening mode ;-)

Overall, better bass, enhanced clarity and highs, fuller sound stage, more 3d...all in a good subtle way.  

Family makes fun of me saying I have a bottle problem!

Thanks for sharing your expertise its been a fun play!


In life the only precious moment , save the moment passed with those we love, is to be of some help to someone...

I cannot thank you enough for your generous post toward me...



