Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?

Candidate 1: Affordable at about 3K


Candidate 2: Ultra expensive at 50K.


So what's the difference?


I forgot to say that for sure speakers are not all alike and costly one are costly because they are for sure probably better designed..

But we know for some time now to design good speakers at low cost...

My point is that acoustic matter more than specific branded name speakers for the S.Q. experience most of the times...

“So what's the difference?”

117.44 lbs per speaker. 3.5 db sensitivity. 7 hz on the low side. 5,000 hz on the high side. 

It’s just natural that budget systems have the best sound per dollar development.

Monitor Audio makes fine speakers. They sell plenty and don’t have to put all costs in one speaker.

Still 5% is a night & day experience :)

Post removed 

I didn't realize that $50k speakers were "ultra expensive"...silly me.
