"Mandated mass vaccination for ALL is a destruction of health and freedom"
It's good to see that the party shenanigans of our colourful leader Boris have derailed the tyrannical march towards jab mandates in England at least.
Could also be that the National Health Service could ill afford to have 100,000 staff dismissed for their unwillingness to participate in a global experimental drug trial.
Even audiophiles cannot live in a bubble. These past 2 years have been life changing for many people and not in a better way.
We have all witnessed what uncurbed lust for money and power can lead to. As we know both money and power usually go hand in hand and both can be extremely corrosive, not to mention extremely dangerous too.
Thankfully an increasing amount of people are waking up and many will demand an explanation. Unfortunately I suspect that like JFK assassination and 9/11, they'll be waiting a very long time.
[Hopefully not the 75 years demanded by Pfizer].
Whilst the likes of Pfizer and the global banks may be congratulating themselves the physical, psychological and economic harm done to millions of people will be incalculable.
In any case there is always a strong argument for spending money wisely and never more than now. Forums such as this can certainly help to bring high quality playback sound to within the reach of an increasing number of people.
In fact this might well be a new golden age for budget audio.
Perhaps we have never had it so good?
The idea that "more expensive" must indicate the direction of an upgrade is where the true audiophile and the mere spender part ways.
I'd agree, although there are some who still like to see it the other way around.
It's great for the audio industry to have these big spenders bring in desperately needed capital. In fact we need more, not less of these folks.
Long may they continue to please their hearts and fancies, what else is life about, but please don't insist you're doing it for reasons of sound quality.