Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


“ MC is/was a source of considerable Knowledge “

Really ! How much of this “ considerable knowledge “ was genuinely new ground and not merely common knowledge to most experienced HiFi guys here.

Plagiarism delivered with a Superior air of having wrote the book instead of merely having read it … Good Riddance 

If you've interacted with MC and had a negative experience with him and you are happy to leave that's not being a hater.  That's having good boundaries and expecting others to behave civilly.

Stop victim blaming. 

My two cents on the topic FWIW:

1)  MC had some useful opinions but nothing particularly unique or original.   Most of his advice regarding phonos was useful.  other things, not so much.  HE operated under the assumption that worked for him was always the best thing  out there which is not true.  HEnce a narrow not broad view of things.  VEry biased and opinionated which for some may be just what the doctor ordered.  

2)  He did seem to spend a lot of time trying to help others here and that was appreciated so that is a good thing.

3)  He was good at promoting his way and ideas but not so good at listening to needs of others that might differ from his

4) Most importantly, on multiple instances he demonstrated a lack of integrity flinging false accusations in public against those who might not see things his way always.   Very bad.    Trust is a key ingrdient to any successful long lasting relationship

5)  He publicly insulted and belittled others including others with credentials in this industry  far beyond his.  Also many highly respected members who did not tow the line.

Lack of integrity and inability to get along with others is the deal breaker for me.   That will get you nowhere in most places where things get done and make good things happen.

That's all.    I judge behavior, not people.  We all have our faults and need to do better!

