Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


Sounds like he may have his publicists/promoters working the angle.  I'm looking to hire the Kardasian publicists myself.    Can't argue with results.

Lest we forget his insidious undercurrent of Homophobia with his several posting of short youtube clips strongly featuring the dialogue “ Are you a Gayer “ “ Are you a Fag” All now flushed down the toilet where they belong

With all that's been said, I'm still surprised my post was taken down when I referred to his martyrdom by some here in anticipation of his second coming. That was civil by comparison to what's been said. It appears he still has his acolytes here and they hold the same grudges he did.

That, and with all the live and let live by those who want him back, how about the same treatment for those who disagreed with him, only to have their posts deleted? It's like he had a Rolodex and speed dial set up for the calvary to come to the rescue.

I had no problem with MC posting his crap but I do have one when my replies and retorts were censored. Others here had the same thing happen to them. Like I've said before, A'gon is not a safe space for anyone to run ruin on others. Let and let live my butt.

All the best,

One poster above said they wished geoffkait was allowed back. I know this may be an unpopular stand, but so do I.

I value true imagination and intelligence over cut and paste intelligence.

Let’s put it this way:

einstein - paperboy and x ray technician

geoffkait - Aerospace Engineering (theoretical fluid dynamics and propulsion, statistical thermodynamics, nuclear physics, indeterminate structures). Undergrad thesis: Preliminary design of low-thrust engine for interplanetary travel utilizing momentum transfer mechanisms in highly magnetic metal crystal bombarded by high-energy ions. Work experience: satellite operations; radar data analysis; aerodynamics of high-performance aircraft; reentry vehicle dynamics; radio communications; satellite communications; spread spectrum communications.

I'm sure there is "fluff" in GK's resume above, but you get the point.

I suspect that the Puppet Master pulled the strings on a number of his familiars in order to have posts that showed him up for what he is , reported, with the aim of having them removed